Monday, December 21, 2009


All caught up! This is today's post.

Yesterday I started getting texts around 5 saying that the Federal Government was closed due to the snow! Woot!! I couldn't believe it! I took a little drive yesterday and the roads really weren't that bad. But, I knew some of the rail lines (not metro, but the trains that go further out) were having issues so I figured that was the main reason. Either way, I didn't mind. I was more exited than when I would get the day off as a kid - I still got paid for today!!

But I did some serious cardio. I met Kristin for some serious shopping. As I did most of my Christmas shopping on-line - it was all stuff for me :-) I just couldn't pass up some of the sales! In fact, I really don't think I paid full price for anything. I am such a good shopper. Yes, it may be true I haven't finished my shopping for my friends here - but maybe I will just do that in Wisconsin and give Happy 2010 presents...

Maybe I will go to the gym tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back on the blog. Yea! See ya Thursday.