Friday, December 17, 2010

And I Was Doing So Well

I was getting better about blogging.
I was working out and had fun stories again.

Then of course, it happened AGAIN - I GOT SICK!! And am still sick. BBBBBBOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

But here is the recap of last week and this week.
Wednesday, December 8
I believe I mentioned that I was in week long meetings last week. 8:30-5. We got a lot done, but it didn't leave much time to workout. Mr. Shorty Shorts had the great idea to work out in the morning. So, I dragged myself out of bed at 6:35, headed to the metro, and was on a treadmill by 7:15. Mr. Shorty Shorts strolled in at 7:35, and all the treadmills were taken. We did get in a good workout though - and I blamed him for feeling very tired the rest of the day.

Thursday, December 9
For some reason, because Wednesday went so well, we went again to the gym in the morning. And this was my first 'brick' of the season. 20 min on the stationary bike, 15 minutes on the treadmill. WOO HOO! And those 15 minutes on the treadmill was a speedy Thursday workout. DOUBLE WOO HOO! I am even going to let it slide that our shirts were the same color so as we were working on our speed, with the same cadence, in the same color shirts, we looked WAY too similar... Yup, going to let that go...

Friday, December 10
And, one of my favorite days of the year - my cookie party! Thanks to Brooke, who came early and decorated, made my place look awesome!
I think everyone had a good time. The majority of the cookies were gone, there were some fantastic decorators, and happy non-holiday cookies to decorate.

Saturday, December 11
Nothing says recovery from a sugar and champagne cocktail high than a sparkling wine tasting!!! Diane gave Brooke, Mary Elizabeth and I our early birthday presents by taking us to a wine tasting. It was delicious.
This was followed up by one of the best presents I have ever received. Diane remembered me talking about eating while training. Apparently, I talked about breakfast sandwiches a lot. So she found this ceramic egg dish, that you can put in the microwave to cook your egg, in the perfect bagel shape!!! How cool is that!?!?! Let's just say I am even more excited to start my real training so I can make breakfast bagel sandwiches!! WOOT!

Sunday, December 12
3 hour spin class. And this class deserves a post of its own. Check back for this next!

Monday, December 13
I start to feel it. A slight stuffy head. I tried to go to bed early, but little luck.

Tuesday, December 14
It was Yoga Steve Day and I was NOT going to let a stuffy head ruin my yoga day.
It was pretty gross because during downward dog, it was like someone turned on the faucet in my nose. It was gross. I don't think Mr. Shorty Shorts noticed, nor did Yoga Steve. But it was gross. And I just went downhill from there. I had to skip out on HH to rest. BOO! And my boss wasn't happy with how my voice sounded, or that my nose looked like Rudolph, so he sent me home.

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Dec 15-17
The past few days were pretty much the same as above, minus the Yoga Steve. I am coughing, have a stuffy head, nose continues to run, voice is off, and I am NOT working out. It sucks and I hate it. I am trying to sleep, but not getting that great of rest. I am drinking tea, taking Theraflu, drinking plenty of water, and eating soup. But it won't go away. I woke up about 5 in the morning and was coughing straight until 6:30 - which included 'littering' 3 times. I was sick in November, I am not supposed to be sick again. This isn't fair and I would like it to stop.

So tonight, I am going to try to swim with Karen (assuming she still wants to in case she reads this) tonight and hope that helps. Tomorrow is our annual meeting and Sunday is 3 hour spin. I have had enough excuses, I need to start training. I HAVE TO and not be sick!!!

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