Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cheese - WIN: Baking - FAIL

Yes, this blog is still primarily about triathlon. Really. It is.

Anyway, cheese class last night was AWESOME (despite the guy in the background of the picture)! There was this super cute cheese monger guy who I totally wanted to be my great uncle. He just had this little accent and I just wanted to pinch his checks and listen to his stories! Yeah, maybe a little weird - that's what my Personal Cook said too. But the process was pretty interesting, but way too time consuming for me to ever repeat. Lots and lots of milk for a small amount of mozzarella. But was a fun way to spend an hour.

Back to triathlon training.
Today's weather was hot and humid. It was gross by 9:30 so it was time for the treadmill. And since it's Thursday, remember when I did speedy Thursday's with Mr. Shorty Shorts? Well he is out of town this week, but I channelled the Shorty Shorts and hit the treadmill for some intervals. And you know what, I'm awesome. My 5K was under 38 minutes. AND that included my 3 minute warm up!!! Fast compared to the rest of the triathlon population? Heck no. Massive improvement for me - HECK YEAH!

And back to non-triathlon training.
Tonight was baking night. I am off to for a training weekend tomorrow, and wanted to bring a surprise treat. On these SWC vacations I am becoming known for my chocolate chip cookies (thanks Mom, everyone LOVES them!!) but I wanted to bring something else too. I figured my second best recipe is my sugar cookie. Okay, it's not mine, but Emily knows what she is talking about, so I can take credit for following her instructions. But I ran out of all purpose flour. I had enough for the dough, but not to use when I rolled out the dough. I did have whole wheat flour, tried that, but it just didn't work. And they don't taste that great either. Oh well... Maybe next time. I NEED to use the M-dot and new swim/bike/run cookie cutters again!! (Thanks Tammy!)

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