Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Hi my 7 readers. How are you? Miss me?

Well, I can only blog so much about back, hip, foot, pain before I annoy my self. So, that is the reason for so few posts. I have posted about this before, but just wanted to send out the reminder.

This weekend was a good weekend.
Saturday was spent in West Virginia for some tubing and "checking out Harpers Ferry". I use quotes because I just thought we would be walking around Harpers Ferry. What I didn't realize, or plan for, was a hike. By the time I realized where we were going, it was too late.
No, that's not true - my pride got in the way. I didn't want to look like the out of shape, over weight, friend. I only knew 1 of the people in the group I was with and my ego got in the way. Overall, it was an a$$ kicking hike and for the most part, I felt pretty good.
And white water tubing - so much fun!

Today was a practice tri for next weekend. Some of the ladies I am doing SheRox's with next weekend wanted to practice transitions. Brooke was kind enough to gear watch while we swam, biked, and they ran. I am not ready for running yet so I did another bike loop and stretched. We are getting ready for Phili! AND, it's exciting because we have custom made shirts, thanks to my mom's wonderful art skills.Overall, I am exhausted, but in a good way. Need to do my exercises and stretches and hope for no more spasms and horrible pain in my leg(s) - then off to bed!

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