Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today was my run day. Eventually it will be a bike in the morning at Hains point, however it was supposed to be raining (don't ask me if it was raining...) and it was the perfect day for a run. Of course, I asked Charles to go with me.

When we got down stairs, it was my nightmare - we were matching. Okay, nightmare is strong, but you all know how I feel about matchie match. Luckily, it was really warm out so I took off my blue long sleeve and we were no longer matchie match.

And the run felt a bit like poo, but it was good. I started off way to fast to try and keep up with Charles - who went much slower than his personal pace, very nice of him. Also, he helped me up the hill on the side of the Capital.

Overall, this made my pace the fastest I have been outside this year, so YAY!


ObliviousScout said...

also, I took off my shirt and got a little sun, so we weren't matchie-match then either! ;-p

p.s.-- I like this stick figure of me much better than the last one =)

Amanda said...

I am glad my stick figure drawings are getting better!
