Friday, September 4, 2009

All Talk?


After I realized it was September 1 - and how different I was last year, I knew things had to change.

Tuesday I had my butt kicked by more hills at the last Conte's Tuesday hill ride. It made me realize that I have a lot of training to do - as I am pretty much starting from scratch. Again. But, it was great to catch up a bit with Karen, Sandy and a few other DC Tri people.

Wednesday I had a doctors appointment to pick up my new inserts. This was followed up by heading Potomac River Runners for new shoes. After working with Bruce for about an hour; which included filming my feet as I ran on a treadmill, a call to my physical therapist to make sure I had the right type of shoes , and trying on a few pairs - I have new shoes for my new inserts. And so far, so good...

The rest of Wednesday was spent unpacking a bit more and setting up Carlos and Blain in their new home. Seriously, how sweet does that look!?!?!

Thursday, I actually rolled out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to meet Karen at Hains Point for a morning ride. I stuck with her for about 3/4 of 1 lap - or about 4.5 miles. I managed to do 16.5 in a bit over an hour, around 15.9 mph. Not to too bad - all things considered. And I have to admit - it was pretty nice to be out riding that early again. It was good to see Karen, and how fast she has become. There were a handful of DC tri people who do the wave as you pass, including Emily who I haven't seen since Richmond. But to be honest with myself, my back was a bit twingy when it was done, however no massive spasms, so that's a WIN! I have placed an e-mail with one of my PT's in hopes to have a bike fit.

So that is where I am now. I wish it was a bit better, but I am slowly getting there. It took me over 3 months to get here, so hopefully it will only take 3 months to get back to where I was... Okay, I know it will be a bit longer but I do think I am on the right track for the first time in awhile. And that makes me very happy.

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